
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tiny books

I have recently recovered from a stiff neck that kept me from doing anything for a few days.  I could not turn my head at all.   Super frustrating,  but while I had trouble doing everything, I did realize just how much time is in a day, and more in a night.  I vowed to make better use of my time.   I have been drawing every day, which is helping too.    Getting the drawing muscles back in shape feels good - like the start of a new adventure in a favorite old location. 

I had been thinking about the little books I had those students do ( see the previous post)  and all the benefits.  So I took a small strip of white muslin and folded it up like a fan,  stitched down the center and made a little book that has 8 fabric pages, each about the size of a baseball card.   I left the frayed edges and I have been using a scrap of cardstock to support it while I do little drawings with markers or colored pencils.    There is something really nice about this tiny thing.  It is an interesting object on its own, and with each little drawing I add it gets better.   I may have stumbled onto a good thing.    For me, working on fabric as if it was paper has helped re awaken a part of me that had been asleep fro a long time.   

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