
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Drying out

Well, I must say it has been a wild ride, starting with the refrigerator dying the day before the earthquake. Then the hurricane, with a half finished and un tarped metal roof on the building that houses my shoppe. Then back to school with my daughter starting at the middle school, and thankfully, some new flooring and ceiling tiles yesterday. There is alot more cleanup to go, but I did not have to close for any unscheduled time, even if I did have to reschedule a few meetings due to my entire office needing to be housed in the classroom for a couple of days. Happily that was the only trouble, we have only minor inconveniences compared to what many have been going through. Several schools in the area had to close today due to more rain last night.

I can't go to those badly affected areas to help cleanup, but I can use my skills to make something useful, beautiful and colorful for all the locals who need to re build from scratch. We have done the Pillowcase Challenge before and it is a wonderful way to reach out and let the flood victims know that someone cares. The Village Fabric Shoppe will open its classroom and have machines and donated fabrics ready for anyone to come in and make a pillowcase for this cause, On Saturday September 10. 10-5. If you would like to clean out your stash and donate fabrics bring them, if you would like to sit and sew come on in, and if you want to bring a friend even better. It is a shame that this is a needed activity again, but last time we had a ball and it is all for a good cause. There is more information at Villagefabricshoppe.blogspot .com Join me to dry out Upstate New York.

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