This blog is dedicated to my fiber art. I am highly inspired by the small creatures of the world, bugs, marine invertebrates, and yes spiders. These under appreciated beings are so critical to the functioning of their ecosystems that in many cases the whole food chain would break down without them. We need to be careful stewards of our world if we want it to be preserved for future generations.
My main media is quiltmaking, but I have no trouble incorporating whatever material gets the job done. I have used meltable faux stained glass (that even glows in the dark! ) and dorito bags to name a few of the less than traditional materials that have graces my work. Wall pieces also mean that I need not worry about washability, although permanence is important. Painting and surface design techniques have been entering my pieces in a more important way in recent pieces.

Currently I have to create a bed quilt for my sister. The top is awaiting its borders and I will be doing some bobbin work and hand quilting it. This is my baby sister, and it is her wedding quilt. She is an avid beach goer, former lifeguard and her house is only minutes from the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound. This photo is the top so far. It is based on Vertical Visions by Laurie Schffrin. Although I rarely work from someone else's pattern, this one fit the project so well I did it. Of course I changed it some, and the quilting plan I have for it will move it firmly out of the range of copy cat quilting, I do credit Laurie - a good pattern is still a good pattern even when it's not all mine. The colors are much softer than I usually use but this suits her and her groom very well. After all, the gift should be suited to the recipient. Getting the borders on wont take long, but the handwork, I will probably be right down to the wire, their set date is early July next summer.
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