This past Sunday, the family and I went to the Hudson Valley Reptile Show. Hubby was on the lookout for suppliers for tarantulas and Liz was fascinated with the snakes. We had fun, she got to hold several creatures, including a five foot ball python. We even got to taste some chocolate covered larva and crickets. Honestly, all I tasted was the cholcolate. The cricket was crunchy. I would eat that again. We all had a good time.
More importantly, I got my main machine back from the repair shop where is was getting a check up, cleaning and servicing. While I was there, I picked up a new free motion foot, I like this one better, it is metal and c shaped, it gives me the right visibility and I am happy. The other one I have came highly reccommended, and is a large plastic foot with red markings on it. I found the distortion through the plastic and the red lines on it to be distracting. Just goes to show that what one person loves, another might not. I digress, I finished the pieceing of the Pretty Patties quilt, and have been trying all day to decide on border options. Of course none of the fabrics in the top are available now in yardage, so this is getting to be a challenge. When I offer this as a class I will suggest that the outer border be chosen first and the fat quarters chosen to support that. If I am having trouble making a choice, my customers will also.
Join me as I create quilted and mixed media artwork based largely on my fascination with invertebrates and other little critters of all kinds. Explorations of the creative process and the sources of inspiration also surface from time to time in these pages.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
New Challenge piece
Last night was the Feb. guild meeting. It was a stitch in, and besides getting there a bit late, my wrist was sore so I got very little stitching done. I did however pick up the new guidelines for the next art challenge. All about texture this time. I am wondering if I should make the Explorers Challenge fit, texture can be smooth and slimy too, not just fuzzy, or like tree bark. I have to read the guidelines a bit closer, since we missed the discussion, but the way things are going lately, having two reasons to finish one piece could be helpful. Having said that who knows, maybe stronger inspiration can strike.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
A more positive mindset
Frustration is a natural part of the process, but it is hard when more than one big thing in life is causing it. First, the dislocated bone in my wrist decided to pop out of place again, Doc can't see me till Monday, so everything I do with my right hand hurts. This means that finisheing several projects that are on deadlines must continue even if the Advil doesn't help. Pain is 90 % in the mind right? I am trying to get so focussed that I don't notice it.
Then, the bicentennial quilt comes back from the quilter, with blue watersoluble marks still in it, and worse, where the blue marks are gone, the red fabric has run onto the white background. I guess I will try to use Retayne, but I ma not sure if I should try to remove the blue first or if the Retayne will take that out too. If any of you have any good ideas for me please share. I will work on my mindset, and perhaps when I am not in anegative place the answer will come.
Then, the bicentennial quilt comes back from the quilter, with blue watersoluble marks still in it, and worse, where the blue marks are gone, the red fabric has run onto the white background. I guess I will try to use Retayne, but I ma not sure if I should try to remove the blue first or if the Retayne will take that out too. If any of you have any good ideas for me please share. I will work on my mindset, and perhaps when I am not in anegative place the answer will come.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Broken Needle Day
That sounds kind of a strange thing to celebrate, but translations from Japanese can get that way. February 8 is the festival of broken needles. Japanese women celebrate the significance of needles and pins in daily life and the vital role they have played in keeping the family clothed and warm. Broken and bent ones are laid to rest in a bed of soft tofu and basically given a memorial service. They are indispensable tools and do deserve an honorable send off.
I like the idea of honoring the little things that are important to us as stitchers. Thankfulness and gratitude are very positive and this is a simple way to take a small moment to add a bit more of these to our lives. A fresh sharp needle can make a big difference in how the project goes, the old one gave you good service, say a quick thank you. Every time I begin a new large project I open a new pack of hand quilting needles and discard the rest this way. When the sewing machine misbehaves, I re thread the whole thing and change to a new needle. If you can't remember the last time you changed the needle, may I suggest you do it today.
Disposing of worn out points can be a real hazard to those who empty the trash, and even more to the garbage man. To eliminate the dangers, I use an empty pill/ vitamin bottle that is clearly labelled as "old sewing needles". Keep it near your machine and when you need to discard bent/ broken needles carefully put them there. Once a year ( on February 8 ) I throw out the entire bottle and get a new one for the purpose. I keep one in the classroom of the shoppe too. If you feel inspired, why not decorate the old needle container yo make it beautiful and honor the points who gave everything to make your project. Send me a photo if you do and I'll post it.
I like the idea of honoring the little things that are important to us as stitchers. Thankfulness and gratitude are very positive and this is a simple way to take a small moment to add a bit more of these to our lives. A fresh sharp needle can make a big difference in how the project goes, the old one gave you good service, say a quick thank you. Every time I begin a new large project I open a new pack of hand quilting needles and discard the rest this way. When the sewing machine misbehaves, I re thread the whole thing and change to a new needle. If you can't remember the last time you changed the needle, may I suggest you do it today.
Disposing of worn out points can be a real hazard to those who empty the trash, and even more to the garbage man. To eliminate the dangers, I use an empty pill/ vitamin bottle that is clearly labelled as "old sewing needles". Keep it near your machine and when you need to discard bent/ broken needles carefully put them there. Once a year ( on February 8 ) I throw out the entire bottle and get a new one for the purpose. I keep one in the classroom of the shoppe too. If you feel inspired, why not decorate the old needle container yo make it beautiful and honor the points who gave everything to make your project. Send me a photo if you do and I'll post it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
What is an Art Quilt?
This definition gets bigger by the minute. SAQA has revised it's version,and it bears mention. You can find more about it on their very good website, google SAQA. I am not totally sure I agree with this yet, but here is the new way they define art quilt. " The art quilt is a creative visual work that is layered and stitched, or that references this form of stitched layered structure." I will have to think about this and I promise to share my thoughts once I formulate them. It has been a busy day.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
groundhog day
Like in the movie, if you had today to do over, what would you change? Which person would you be nicer to, what small kindness would you do that might have big reverberations? Why not do them the first time around? The little things that we don't often think about can make a big difference. An extra smile, holding the door for someone, letting that other driver in, there are a million little things, that cost nothing. 

The little thing that has made me smile is the return of Audrey, one of my Amaryllis flowers that has come back to life. It is growing at it's usual astonishing rate, almost an inch a day. I know that soon this will mean a stunning and dramatic blossom on my kitchen window. When it dies back, Spring will be close. So here is a photo. I wonder which color this one is ( I have several, and never have had two blooming in the same year ) Have a beautiful day!
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